丹佛斯 是丹麦最大的跨国工业制造公司之一,创立于1933年。丹佛斯以推广应用先进的制造技术,并关注节能环保而闻名于世,是制冷和空调控制,供热和水控制,以及传动控制等领域处于世界领先地位的产品制造商和服务供应商。丹佛斯已经在4大洲的100多个国家设有国际子公司及代理商网络,在全球拥有70间质量管理控制严格的工厂,每天生产250,000件高品质产品,有超过23,600位受过良好教育的员工向全球提供产品行销和服务。对用户承诺节能,舒适,安全和环保,是丹佛斯公司在行业内处于领先地位的坚实基础。
Danfoss Introduction
Danfoss, founded in 1933, is one of the largest industrial companies in Denmark and a leading manufacturer in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Heating and Water Controls and Motion Controls. Danfoss is famous for promoting applications of advanced technology and concerns about energy saving and environmental protection.
Danfoss has 70 modern factories worldwide, and has established branches and distributor network across 100 countries in 4 continents. 250,000 quality products are produced from Danfoss each day, and over 23,600 well-educated employees are engaged in providing sales and services to our customers globally. Danfoss’ promise of energy efficiency, comfort, safety and environmental friendliness has laid a solid basis for our leading position within the industry.
Danfoss has long-term commitment to China’s continuous development. As a global company growing up in Europe, we’re now proud to make China our second home market. Danfoss China abides by the local law and regulation, is a good tax payer and is active in various social activities. Danfoss provides professional career plan and personal development opportunities to our employees, including overseas training.
Today, Danfoss China employs over 2600 people in China with sales offices in 12 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Qingdao, Chengdu and Xi’an, etc., we also have 5 factories respectively in Tianjin, Hangzhou and Anshan etc. In the near future the employee number is expected to increase rapidly with the fast growth of Danfoss business in the Chinese market. We welcome more competent candidates to join us and grow with the fast growing company.
For further information please consult Danfoss China website