欧宝迪树脂(深圳)有限公司是德国Alberdingk Boley公司在中国的全资子公司。Alberdingk Boley于1828年创建于德国,是国际领先的水性聚合物生产商,其业务领域广泛地分布在聚氨酯和聚丙烯酸分散体及其共聚物。它的传统业务是各种等级的优质蓖麻油,亚麻油,及其衍生产品。其中国公司(深圳)的业务机构包括从生产, 销售, 仓储,和实验室等功能。
ALBERDINGK RESINS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. is the sister company of ALBERDINGK BOLEY GmbH which is located in Krefeld-Uerdingen, Germany. ALBERDINGK BOLEY GmbH was founded in 1828 and is a leading producer of water based binders offering a wide range of polyurethane and polyacrylate dispersions and combinations. Furthermore the company offers various grades of castor and linseed oils.
Alberdingk Boley operates worldwide and set up ALBERDINGK RESINS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. which is supporting the Chinese market. The Shenzhen facility includes production, warehouse, lab and sales offices.
公司福利: 五天八小时,严格按照劳动法休假;五险一金,有上下班的通勤班车,走107国道至南山海雅百货
地 址:兴围路口